The Falsify – False Colors DCTL transform provides an enhanced and accurate False Color view for artists using DaVinci Resolve, with options for multiple Color Spaces and Gammas, including ACES!

It can be loaded directly as a DCTL in a Rec.709 (Scene) timeline or can be used in conjunction with the DCTL OpenFX plugin for additional customization options, including the selection of Color Space and Gamma, choice of False Colors and the selection of Video or Data Levels.
The transform includes a handy Legend that can be toggled and provides step guides of 0 to 100% IRE in increments of 10% when using a Scene gamma or a Linear step guide of 0 to 100% reflectance in 10% increments when using Linear or ACES gammas.
The “18% Mid Gray” toggle also highlights a mathematically accurate 18% Middle Gray exposure marker on both the timeline and the legend for additional accuracy.

Native ACES Support
The Falsify transform includes native support for ACES workflows, including the ACEScc, ACEScct and Linear Gammas. The Falsify transform also supports ACES AP0 and ACES AP1 color spaces with proper luminance mapping of the ACES color gamuts for accurate results!

Multiple Timeline Gamma Options
The Falsify transform offers support for multiple timeline gammas to simplify editing! Supported timeline Gammas include:
- ACEScc
- ACEScct
- Linear (including ACES Linear)
- Scene (ITU-T Rec.709 / Rec.2020)
Multiple Color Space Options
The Falsify transform also includes accurate color space mappings and luminance calculations for various Color Spaces. Supported timeline Color Spaces include:
- ITU-T Rec.709
- ITU-T Rec.2020
- Display P3 (P3-D65)
Though Falsify offers a number of built-in options for Gamma and Color Space settings, the transform can be further expanded to map across additional Color Spaces and Gammas by applying a Color Space Transform before and after the respective node.
Multiple False Color Options
A number of False Color options have been included with the Falsify transform with close adherence to each designer’s respective IRE parameters. Current False Color options include Atomos, Blackmagic Design, ARRI and Aputure. The Falsify native colors are available as the default option and have False Colors that are compatible across multiple workflows. Users can also choose to display an 18% Mid Gray marker for true middle gray to avoid any doubts.
Video & Data Level Options
Whilst DaVinci Resolve works internally using Data Levels (0 – 1023), the vast majority of delivery material is output using Video Levels (64 – 940). Falsify’s False Colors have been developed to accurately display Video Level outputs to ensure broadcast adherence. These levels can also be adjusted to show False Color behavior with Data Levels.
The Falsify – False Colors transform is compatible with DaVinci Resolve Studio 16 and above. The transform will also work with the Free version of DaVinci Resolve 16 and above, however users may notice a Resolve watermark on screen, though this will not impact the behavior of the transform itself.
Purchase the Falsify – False Color plugin now from the store:
- Falsify – False Colors Transform$30.50 AUD