Falsify – False Color transform for DaVinci Resolve

The Falsify – False Color transform has just been released for DaVinci Resolve Studio 16 and above. It’s an enhanced transform that provides False Color views for artists using DaVinci Resolve. It can be loaded directly as a DCTL in a Rec.709 (Scene) timeline or can be used in conjunction with the DCTL OpenFX plugin for numerous customization options, including additional false colors, precision and data level options, a true 18% Mid-Gray highlight and support for many Color Spaces and Timeline Gammas including ACES.

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Exposure Correction transform for DaVinci Resolve

The Exposure Correction transform for DaVinci Resolve has been released. It allows adjustment of exposure in EV stops between -10 & +10 stops. This transform MUST be used with the DCTL OFX plugin within DaVinci Resolve Studio. The transform can be used across multiple timeline gamma options and as of version 2.0 now includes many more gamma settings!

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